Ulf Vanselius

Founder and CEO of Pyramid Communication AB,
Sweden’s leading B2B agency

Ulf is one of the founders of Pyramid and its executive head today, as well as a majority owner. He is also an experienced and dynamic marketeer, focused on brand development and digital strategy, with a strong belief that inspired thinking and communication can change the world. He finds that sport and good wine provide the right balance for gathering inspiration.

Chatbot Interview

  • your morning medium?

    A big cup of black coffee.

  • which MarTech was/is groundbreaking for you?

    The stunning results you can get through Google’s smart targeting. A bit scary that Google knows more about you than you do yourself...

  • your biggest PAIN pitch and what you learned from it?

    When you need to present a solution with hyper enthusiasm and you know you could have done better.

  • what would you like to automate and what would you never automate?

    Telling nice people they don’t perform good enough and need to leave the company.
    Getting a big hug from your kids and hearing “daddy, I love you”

  • do you prefer group or family business?

    It’s always a bigger challenge to identify intrepreneurs in corporations than entrepreneurs. Both are great to work with.

  • which event is more important for your company: company party or future workshop?

    A workshop in the sun with some beer and sangria ?

  • how do you make room for the further development of your corporate strategy in your daily operations?

    Leave for a few days to the sun and close you phone.

  • your dinner tip in Helsingborg?

    Tonight we go for grilled ribs to celebrate Spring.

  • at the top of your dream travel bucket list is...

    Show Hong Kong to my kids before it is ruined, followed by some Pina Coladas in the West Indies with someone to love.

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